

Foundations for Leadership training course 

Writing about The Fifth Discipline got me thinking about it all over again. I have to admit that the last time I read the book as a whole was well over a year ago, and it has been several months since I've even referenced it. As a result, everything I said in my last post is likely a load of hooey. Since I don't have the book handy, I did the next best thing and went to the Society of Organizational Learning's site to see what is new in the area of organizational learning.

The leading item was the Foundations for Leadership course of the subject of this post. From the site, who should attend:
This course is intended for everyone commited to deepening their capacity for effective leadership - including those in senior management positions and those with no formal authority. Teams are encouraged to attend to further develop their collective leadership.

I'll leave the rest of the site for you to explore...

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